
In the 60 years God has been working through the ministry of Dublin Christian Academy, he has faithfully supplied our needs for teachers, students, finances, and prayer support. Each school year has a unique story of His provision and care.
The 2022-2023 school year brought incredible blessings with record enrollment of 174 students, a gifted faculty and staff, a vibrant international student community, and strong support from alumni, friends, and ministry partners. We also faced challenges, notably the passing of a beloved sixth-grade teacher and new financial pressures.
We continue to face the dual challenges of record inflation – higher operational costs and a higher level of financial need among our families. Our costs rose about 10 percent due to inflation while the financial aid need among our families has risen 20 percent. We have been working hard to close the gap.Dublin Christian Academy students preparing to work
Your generosity and your prayers have been critical in sustaining us in this difficult economic environment. We know your financial gifts come at greater personal sacrifice in this time of high inflation and we thank God for your faithfulness. Despite these challenges, the annual fund raised about $216,000 coming close to our goal of $225,000. We also raised $46,000 through various capital fundraisers, almost reaching our capital fund goal of $50,000.
We look forward to celebrating our 60th year as a school and Miss Janice Robert’s remarkable 43-year teaching ministry, and we hope you will join us in marking these milestones beginning with our Blue & Gold barbecue on Sept. 30. To commemorate our 60th year, we are aiming to add 60 new impact society donors (annual fund giving of $500 or more per year) in the 2023-2024 school year. Will you help us grow the annual fund this year?
Any Questions?
Bethany Paquin DCA

Bethany Paquin

Director of Institutional Advancement

Phone: 603-563-8505


Giving Opportunities

When giving to the Annual Fund, you may designate your gift and help to underwrite the area at the heart of Dublin Christian Academy’s mission that is most important to you.

At Dublin Christian Academy, we believe that the impact of lives spent serving the Lord are lives given to the edification and glorification of the Lord. Through our “In Memorium or Tribute” program, you can honor the memory of a loved one with the intent of investing in the future of Christian education and shaping the hearts and minds of the students at DCA.

Each year, we set apart some time to raise funds for a capital project that would increase safety for our students and provide a useful asset to our campus facilities.

The Amazon Wishlist is a compiliation of items that are needed to keep the school year flowing smoothly. From post-it notes to promotional equipment, this list shows our needs.

Other Ways to Give

Pray for DCA

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all energy that he powerfully works within me” – Colossians 1:28-29 (ESV)

Spread the Word

One of the most effective tools we have is the testimony of students and families who have grown academically and spiritually in the DCA community.  We depend on our graduates and friends to spread the word about the great things God is doing here at the school.  The stories of our successful students are the best advertisement for DCA.  


Taking care of such a beautiful campus and facilities is a big undertaking. We can always use help with upkeep and even the day-to-day responsibilities at school. Let us know here if you wouldd like to volunteer at DCA.

DCA List of sponsors

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